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Alyssa Digges, MA
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Amy Schell, LMHC
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Ariel Zeigler, Ph.D
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Begoña Núñez Sánchez, LP
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Carole Taylor-Tumilty, LCSW
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Caryn Moore, LCSW
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Christina Mancuso, LCSW
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Courtney Cohen, LMHC
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Daniel Rich, LMHC
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Elena Beharry, Psy.D
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Eliza Chamblin, LCSW
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Fanny Ng, Ph.D
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Gary Brucato, Ph.D
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Gavin Shafron, Ph.D
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Janel Coleman, LMSW
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Jen Oddo, LCSW
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Jessa Navidé, Psy.D.
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Joanna Kaminski, LMFT
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Josh Watson, LMSW
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Justin L.F. Yong, LMHC
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Karen Kaur, Ph.D
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Kristin Anderson, LCSW
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Logan Jones, Psy.D
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Lucas Saiter, LMHC
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Madeleine Phelan, LMSW
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Maryam Abdulrazzak, BS
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Monica Amorosi, LMHC
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Nancy Lumb, LCSW
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Nicole Maselli, LMHC
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Peter Gradilone, LMSW
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Raquele Williams, LCSW
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Regina Musicaro, Ph.D
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New York, NY 10001






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    postdoctoral psychologists clinical or counseling residency 
    (psy.d., ph.d.)


    postdoctoral psychologists clinical or counseling residency

    Ph.D., Psy.D.

    Clarity Therapy NYC, is a well-established and growing boutique group psychotherapy practice. We are seeking Postdoctoral Psychologists to join our team to provide clinical and counseling psychology services, as well as neuropsychological evaluations. Our mission is to “make the practice of psychotherapy joyful” for psychologists, with a “clinicians first” approach.

    Job Type

    Full-time, Part-time, Remote and In-Person/Hybrid, Employee (W2)


    We offer flexibility to Postdoctoral Psychologists, supervisors, and directors to set their own schedules and fees. What you earn depends on the fees you set and the number of sessions provided. Successful associates work towards a full caseload and bill between $100 and $350 per session.

    Part-Time to Full-Time annualized: $40,000-$120,000+

    Qualifications prior to residency
    • APA approved doctoral program in clinical or counseling psychology (Ph.D. or Psy.D.).

    • Completion of an APA-approved or APPIC internship prior to beginning the postdoctoral residency.

    • Provide graduate school transcripts and a copy of your doctoral degree.


    We are looking for Psychologists who:
    • Are committed to growing with an inclusive, modern practice that’s passionate about attention to detail and elevating the client experience wherever possible

    • Wish to have autonomy in their clinical practice but be a part of a group versus operating as a sole proprietor

    • Are willing to take a proactive role in their own marketing efforts with assistance from a dedicated team

    • Have a strong desire to make an impact, not only through therapy but also out in the world

    • Display an entrepreneurial spirit and desire to innovate as a member of a dynamic team

    • Take a more humanistic and strengths-based approach over one that is pathology-focused and diagnostic

    • Willingness to build and carry a caseload of 12 – 30 session hours per week

    • Participate in weekly individual and group supervision

    • Demonstrate desire and ability to work effectively with individuals from diverse identities

    • Hold a limited permit in Psychology in the state of New York

    • Carry individual professional liability insurance

    • Satisfy the Child Abuse Identification Reporting requirement

    • Ability to make a minimum 12-month commitment

    • For our testing track, have a strong interest in psychological and neurocognitive evaluation. Preference will be given to candidates with previous experience in this area.

    Are we a good fit?

    We are looking for postdoctoral students who can engage:

    • Part-Time Position: Minimum of 16 Hours Weekly

      • 2 Hours of Supervision

      • 2 Hours of Administration

      • 12 Hours of Client Consultation

      • Other Hours – Marketing, Attending Administrative Meetings

    • Full-Time Position: Minimum of 35 Hours Weekly

      • 2 Hours of Supervision

      • 2 Hours of Administration

      • 25 or more Hours of Client Consultation

      • Six (6) Other Hours – Seeing Additional Clients, Marketing, Attending Administrative Meetings, Attending Monthly Administrative Meetings, Entrepreneurial Activities

    • Coordinating Client Care with the Administrative Team

    • Coordinating Office Usage with Administrative Team

    what we offer

    • Work-Life balance and the ability to determine your schedule and take time off as needed

    • Two (2) Hours of Supervision – 1-Hour 1:1; 1-Hour Group

    • A steady stream of new client leads thanks to our client-matching service

    • Continuing Education opportunities

    • Personalized 1:1 support to help you build your caseload

    • Direct access to our diverse network of professionals, from multiple disciplines and theoretical orientations

    • A turn-key office space in a boutique psychotherapy office 

    • Security, Internet, Maintenance, Office Supplies, Refreshments, and Secure Storage

    • Administrative Support – Billing Clients, Providing Superbills, Office Reservations, Payroll Services, Issuing W-2, State Licensure Requirements and Compliance 

    • Stipend towards NY State limited permit fee

    • As-needed Healthcare Legal Consultation

    • Additional Professional Liability Insurance

    • Commercial Liability Insurance

    • Writing workshops with a cohort of professionals

    • Being featured on our powerful online marketing platform, which includes a therapist website profile, copywriting support for blogs, specialty pages, marketing campaigns, and press opportunities

    • Thought leadership support

    • Access to a simple and comprehensive EHR system for scheduling and documentation

    • Free membership to the Clarity Cooperative, a digital subscription service that gives you access to reduced group health insurance rates, a community forum, and a plethora of practice-building resources


    1. Provide individual psychotherapy and/or psychological testing and evaluation

    2. Documenting treatment notes within guidelines recommended by the APA

    3. Conduct 30-minute complimentary phone consultations, including answering general questions about out-of-network insurance and fee negotiations

    4. Coordinate client care with clinical and administrative staff at the direction of the practice director, supervisors, and office manager

    5. We are out-of-network with insurance companies so interested candidates should be prepared to offer general guidance to clients and coordinate concierge client services with a strong administrative team

    APPLY to join our postdoctoral PSYCHOLOGISTS fellowship
    at Clarity Therapy (ROLLING ADMISSIONS)


      What are your pronouns?


      Clinical Perspective


      Are you hoping to meet with clients primarily in-person, remotely, or hybrid?*

      Desired Employment

      Desired Start Date

      Enter the number of session hours you'd like to provide weekly

      Statement of Interest

      Tracks of Interest. Select all that apply

      Do you have another job commitment or post-doctoral residency?*

      Have you ever been investigated or disciplined for suspected or proven unethical conduct? *

      Please share links to your professional profiles or website (LinkedIn, PsychToday, etc) so that we can get to know you better*

      2 recent professional references (excluding family) who supervised you and can speak to your clinical work that we may contact.*

      Upload Current Curriculum Vitae (.JPG, .PDF, .PNG)*

      Upload a de-identified testing battery (.JPG, .PDF, .PNG)

      Upload a case formulation (.JPG, .PDF, .PNG)*

      WordPress Image Lightbox