Therapy Blogs Trending Now


Living with a Loved One Who Has a Mental Health Disorder: Insights from a Licensed Psychotherapist

Living with a loved one who has a mental health disorder can turn family life upside down. Discover insights from a licensed psychotherapist on navigating these challenges, building stronger relationships, and caring for yourself along the way.

What to Expect During A Psychological Assessment in New York City

Life moves fast in New York City, and when it comes to your child’s academic success or your own mental well-being, waiting weeks or months for answers is simply not an option. Whether you or your child are experiencing academic struggles, behavioral issues, or cognitive difficulties, a comprehensive psychological assessment can provide the clarity needed to move forward confidently.

NYC’s Top Child Testing Services: Academic and Cognitive Assessments for School Readiness

Parents want the best for their children, especially when it comes to education. Watching your child struggle in school can be painful, but sometimes, the problem is more than just a tough class or a bad grade. It could be a sign of something deeper, such as a learning disability or developmental delay.


Gay Men Healing from Heartbreak: A Journey Toward Personal Growth

Heartbreak is an experience that cuts across all boundaries, but for gay men, the end of a relationship can carry its own unique set of challenges.

The Art of Setting Boundaries: Protecting Your Emotional Well-Being in Relationships

At its core, a boundary is a personal limit we set to protect our emotional, physical, and mental well-being. Boundaries help us define where we end, and another person begins.

Questions to Ask Yourself Before Starting Therapy: Reflecting on Your Emotional and Mental Health Needs

Starting therapy is a significant step toward emotional and mental well-being, but it begins long before you enter a therapist’s office. By understanding your goals and what you hope to gain from therapy, you’ll be better equipped to find the right therapist and make informed decisions about your mental health journey.

How to Find the Right Therapist: Why Connection Matters

If you’ve ever felt unsure after meeting with a therapist, know that you’re not alone. The key to effective therapy lies in the strength of the connection you build with your therapist. By focusing on personal fit thanks to our complimentary matching service, we’re here to help you find a therapist who will support and guide you in a meaningful way.

Unhealthy relationship

Red Flags vs. Green Flags: How to Recognize Healthy and Unhealthy Relationship Patterns

Recognizing both red and green flags in your relationships is essential for your emotional well-being and long-term happiness. Understanding these patterns helps you make informed decisions and build healthier, more supportive relationships.

Man in Finance

Looking for a Man in Finance … In Therapy

In recent weeks, a catchy song titled “Looking for a Man in Finance” has captivated social media and sparked conversations about dating preferences and stereotypes. While the song itself is playful and humorous, it touches on a deeper societal perception: the allure and challenges of relationships with men in finance.

Embracing Your Light: 10 Actionable Insights for Overcoming Shame and Living Authentically

In the heart of every person lies an undeniable truth: we’re each meant to be sources of light in this world. Life, however, constantly challenges us, calling on us to be ever-aware of our shame narratives and to remember and stay connected to our innate goodness and brightness.

Overcoming Dissociation: Practical Steps for Trauma Survivors

Dissociation due to trauma is a complex and often misunderstood phenomenon that can significantly impact a person’s quality of life. From feeling detached from reality to emotional numbness and memory lapses, these symptoms can be both disorienting and distressing.

Executive coaching

Executive Coaching: Success Strategies for High Achievers

Discover how executive coaching for high achievers can help you balance professional success and personal fulfillment. Learn strategies for effective communication, attention management, and more. Reach out for a complimentary consultation today.

Healing from within

The Power of EMDR: Healing Eating Disorders from Within

Eating disorders are often rooted in long-held beliefs formed early in life. Our society’s pervasive diet culture and discussions around body size can reinforce these beliefs, often causing significant stress and trauma. EMDR targets these memories and experiences, working to reduce their emotional intensity and helping the mind and body to heal

modern dating

Why Modern Dating Is So Hard: A Psychotherapist Explains

By integrating the wisdom of the past with the realities of the present, we can create a future where genuine human connections thrive. Embrace the journey of self-discovery, and let it guide you towards the relationships you seek.

Self-Care Strategies for Transgender Individuals

What does self-care actually mean and what can it look like? In this blog, we’ll explore some effective self-care strategies tailored specifically for transgender individuals, aimed at promoting mental well-being and resilience.

How to Break a Trauma Bond, According to a Licensed Therapist

Trauma bonds are complicated- both psychologically and biologically. You do not get into them by “choice” and you do not stay stuck in them by choice. Getting appropriate therapy and connecting to safe support is a crucial aspect of recovering from trauma bonds. In this post we’ll explore how to break a trauma bond and the actions you can take to start healing.

What is a Trauma Bond and How does it Affect you?

A trauma bond is a harmful connection that forms between two people, often a victim and a perpetrator. The aftermath of even just one abuse cycle is so much shame and self-blame. Eventually, you fear being left more than being harmed. But the hopeful truth is – you can leave. Trauma bonds are not impossible cages to escape from. With the help of safe and trusted care, you can learn to leave your abuser behind for good.

Feeling Overwhelmed in a Post-Pandemic World: Finding Balance Through Communication

Discover the power of communication and self-care in navigating overwhelm post-pandemic and learn how a therapist helps clients find balance. Prioritize effective communication for a brighter, more balanced future.

7 self-help books

Transform Your Trauma: 7 Self-Help Books for Healing Trauma

If you’re not quite ready to speak to a professional regarding your traumatic experience, you don’t need to suffer in silence. We’re sharing 7 of our top self-help book recommendations for combating depression.


Flipping the Script: Healing Yourself By Overcoming Negative Self-Talk

Discover how to overcome negative self-talk by recognizing and addressing cognitive distortions. Improve your overall well-being, outlook, and relationships by challenging unhelpful thought patterns that hold you back.


Rebuilding Trust: Navigating Betrayal and Healing in Relationships

Explore the nuanced dynamics of trust issues in relationships and learn effective strategies for rebuilding trust after betrayal from a licensed marriage and family therapist.

family and love ones impact

The Impact of Addiction on Families and Loved Ones

When a family member is tackling addiction, the lives of all other family members are touched in significant ways. The family dynamics shift drastically, regardless of who in the family is the central point of addiction, be it a child, parent, or spouse. The ramifications are multifold, encompassing strained relationships, excessive worry, financial hardship, and a heightened risk of abuse.

Overcoming Imposter Syndrome as an Actor: Tips to Boost Confidence

“I’m not talented enough to land this role.” “I don’t have enough credits on my resume to be taken seriously as an actor.” “I’m not a real actor.” Sound familiar?

Being Neurodivergent in a Neurotypical World: The ADHD Experience

Living in a neurotypical world can be challenging for individuals with ADHD. The expectations, social implicit rules, and tasks often don't align...

Psychedelic Harm Reduction: Maximizing Benefits and Minimizing Risks

Many people are familiar with the term ‘harm reduction’, especially in the context of substance use. However, less are aware that this concept has expanded beyond addressing addiction, and now has important implications for the emerging field of psychedelic-assisted therapy.

Enduring Active Trauma: Seeking Help Amid Crisis

Our current models of diagnosing and treating trauma are mostly during the post-traumatic phase. Protecting people from post-traumatic symptoms is an important part of this work, and we can best do that if we intervene as soon as possible- and we can only intervene if someone is capable of seeing that they are living through active distress.

Is Your Job Defining You? How to Discover Who You Are Outside of Work

If you’ve lived or socialized in New York City for any length of time, you’ve probably had someone ask, “What do you do?” The culture is fixated on...

What is psychedelic integration therapy and why is it important?

People learn about the power of psychedelics and non-ordinary states of consciousness through many different avenues, but often come to the same question: How can psychedelics help improve my mental health? Read on to discover how this groundbreaking approach can help you navigate psychedelic experiences, providing support, healing, and integration for lasting personal growth.

Coping with ADHD as an Adult: How Therapy Can Help

Have you sought out a professional opinion and have already received a diagnosis of ADHD? For some people receiving a diagnosis may come as a surprise, while for others it actually makes perfect sense and explains why you were facing so many difficulties.

4 Transformative Ways Exercise Strengthens Mental Health

Boundary setting is a keystone to a healthy relationship- do you struggle to set boundaries or follow boundaries set by others? Maybe you act clingy towards your partner. Maybe you spend too much time alone. You might constantly seek validation and approval, or you might tend to remain aloof and not dependent on anyone — even your partner. These behaviors all stem from people’s individual attachment style. Identifying your own attachment style may help you figure out (and solve) your problems with setting boundaries.

How Does Attachment Style Impact Your Ability To Set Boundaries?

Boundary setting is a keystone to a healthy relationship- do you struggle to set boundaries or follow boundaries set by others? Maybe you act clingy towards your partner. Maybe you spend too much time alone. You might constantly seek validation and approval, or you might tend to remain aloof and not dependent on anyone — even your partner. These behaviors all stem from people’s individual attachment style. Identifying your own attachment style may help you figure out (and solve) your problems with setting boundaries.

How is ART different from EMDR?

As a licensed psychotherapist who is trained in Accelerated Resolution Therapy (ART) and prioritizes trauma-informed care for my clients, I'm...

Feeling burned out? Internalized Capitalism may be to blame

Feeling burned out? Internalized capitalism may be to blame. Read on to learn more and how you can take control of your emotional well-being.

How To Find a Sex-Positive Therapist in NYC

With how complex and sensitive the topic of sex and sexuality can be, how do you go about finding a therapist who will be sex-positive?

How to tell if you’re a people pleaser

You may often feel like it’s your job to make everyone happy, even if it comes at your own expense. Are You a People Pleaser? Here’s How to Tell.

 Coping with C-PTSD: Learning to Conquer Fear

Fear is a normal reaction to trauma, it’s your body’s way of protecting itself from danger (or perceived danger). Managing fear and coping with C-PTSD can help to reduce stress and anxiety.

35 Grounding Techniques for Upsetting Thoughts

How do you calm yourself down when you experience stress, anxiety, or dissociation? It’s common for interpersonal stressors to contribute to...

How To Choose the Right Polyamory-Affirming Therapist in NYC

Non-monogamous relationships have undeniably become more visible recently. From television and movies beginning to feature non-monogamous...

How to Manage Emotional Flashbacks after Trauma

Emotional flashbacks can be jarring and upsetting. Explore ways to manage your flashbacks so that you can regain control of your life.

6 Ways to Take Care of Yourself When You Go Home for the Holidays

Going home for the holidays can often bring up difficult feelings. Explore 6 ways to take care of yourself when you go home for the holidays.

10 Ways to Strengthen Your Intuition

It can be difficult to learn how to trust your intuition. If you’re interested in learning how to strengthen your intuition, read on.

How Therapy Can Improve Your Dating Life in NYC

Struggling with dating in NYC? You’re not alone, and therapy can help. Read on for 7 ways therapy can improve your dating life.


How can breathwork help anxiety?

Do you have trouble letting things go? Breathwork can help you release anxiety, fear, and live in the present moment.

What is Prolonged Grief Disorder?

Do you feel “stuck” in your grief? Understanding prolonged grief disorder may provide some much-needed answers – and relief.

Good Faith Estimates for Psychotherapy

We’ve compiled the most frequently asked questions about the No Surprises Act & Good Faith Estimates.

How Internal Family Systems (IFS) Therapy can help gay men

Learn how an approach called Internal Family Systems Therapy (IFS) can help gay men dramatically transform their lives.

upset couple

Signs you’re in a toxic relationship

What is a toxic relationship?A toxic relationship may leave you feeling depleted, less than, and losing trust in yourself and questioning your own...
using insurance for therapy

Pros and Cons of Using Insurance for Therapy

Do you know the risks of limiting yourself to using in-network insurance for therapy? Many people don’t know the benefits of working with an out-of-network or private-pay therapist that may be worth the additional investment. Empower yourself to make the best decision for your needs and goals.

What is LGBTQIA+ Affirmative Therapy?

Affirmative Therapy helps LGBTQIA+ individuals navigate through their life in a more meaningful and constructive way through the help of empathic, nonjudgmental compassion and understanding.

10 Ways Therapy Can Help Entrepreneurs

If you’ve launched a new venture, started your own business, or even pursued a side hustle, you likely already know that the entrepreneurial path can be as tough as it is rewarding. Chances are, you’ve felt a mix of excitement, fear, and overwhelm. With all of the ups, downs, and uncertainties that come with the entrepreneurial journey, it can help to talk with someone who can support you through the ebbs and flows.


3 Essential Tips on How to Heal Emotional Wounds and Trauma

hen we think of the term “healing”, we tend to first think of a physical injury— a broken bone, a strained muscle, an open...
therapists for lawyers in nyc

5 Lessons I Learned About Change From a Recovering Lawyer

Josh Watson is a therapist for lawyers in NYC. Read about the 5 lessons he learned about change from a recovering lawyer.

video game controller

How Video Games Give Us a Peek Into The Window of Ourselves

Do you find yourself playing video games more and more as social distancing and quarantines continue? You’re not alone. Explore your gaming.


How to Set Healthy Boundaries

The majority of people struggle with healthy boundaries. Learn how you can develop the skills to create healthy boundaries in your own life.

mass thinking

How to Avoid the Trap of Groupthink

In these difficult times, we can reflect on individual consciousness and develop the capacity to differentiate from mass thinking.

the psychology of looking within

Spirituality, Psychology, and the Benefits of Looking Inside Oneself

Contemporarily, the fields of religion have been considered a separate entity from psychology; however, this may not be an either-or scenario.

Why Teachers Need Our Support Now More Than Ever

Teachers often take on the stress and emotions of their students. This year in particular, teachers may experience more vicarious trauma.

Cybervictimization: A Hidden Perpetrator of Race-Based Trauma

Racism is systemic and has led to generations of race-based trauma. Technology has provided an outlet for racism via cybervictimization and bullying.

Understanding Imposter Syndrome and How to Cope

Imposter syndrome can rob us of our joy, confidence and hold us back in life. The phenomenon can affect anyone, regardless of their success.

The Impact of Travel Restrictions on Mental Health

The current pandemic restrictions have impacted our ability to nurture our traveling mindsets. Learn how to cope with travel restrictions.

How to Recover from Financial Infidelity

Oftentimes, couples avoid talking about the two subjects that are crucial to their wellbeing: money and sex. It may come as a surprise to you that as a couples therapist, I actually hear more about instances around financial infidelity than affairs in the traditional sense.

3 Tips For Practicing Self-Love and Compassion

Self-love is a term that has gained more and more traction in recent years, and for good reason. Oftentimes, the discussion on self-love is conflated with self-care, another important but distinct concept.

6 Effective Techniques to Improve Communication with Your Teens

Learn six practical tips that are helpful in building more positive and consistent communication with your teens.

7 Coping Tips for Anxiety From a Psychologist

Learn 7 coping tips for anxiety and discover strategies that therapists actually use to help them with their own anxious thoughts.

Homesickness During a Pandemic

A secondary cost of the pandemic has been the impact of lockdowns and social isolation on mental health. These impacts often manifest in increased loneliness or feelings of homesickness, especially for those who live apart from their families and homeland.

empathy through questions

Practice Empathy To Enhance Your Relationships

Sometimes, no matter how much we love or connect with a person, it can prove difficult to maintain a connection that endures all. Obstacles, differences of opinion, and unexpected life circumstances inevitably crop up and put our relationships to the test.

How to Stop Negative Self-Talk: Disrupting Negative Narratives

No one is perfect,” “we all make mistakes,” “fall to get back up.” What do all of these sayings have in common? They remind us that life does not always go as planned, and mistakes are an inevitable and natural part of life. Many times we hold…

couple sitting on a dock with their arms around each other letting their guard down

The Strength in Vulnerability: How to Improve Your Relationships By Letting Down Your Guard

Love: Everyone wants to experience it, and yet many of us are also scared of it, because in order to truly be open to love, we must also allow ourselves to be vulnerable. What is vulnerability, and why does it terrify us?

What’s the Difference Between a Psychotherapist, Psychologist, Psychiatrist, Mental Health Counselor, Psychoanalyst, and Social Worker?

Finding a therapist who’s a good fit with you and your needs is essential to the work you do in therapy. In your search for the right person, you might find therapists with varying strings of letters after their name, which can give you a better understanding of their training and the kind of therapy they offer.

Self-Care on the Weekends

Many of us are so invested in work or academics that we sometimes forget to take care of ourselves. Although there are various ways to practice self-care techniques throughout a busy work week, for many, the weekend is the best time to unwind.

finding peace

5 Self-Help Books for Depression

If you’re not quite ready to speak to a professional regarding depression, you don’t need to suffer in silence. We’re sharing 5 of our top self-help book recommendations for combating depression.

6 Ways to Cope With Race-Based Trauma

When people hear the word “trauma,” they often think of one single, dramatic, life-changing event or moment in time. Race-based trauma occurs much more insidiously, on a systemic level, and is experienced through both micro and macroaggressions.

What to Expect During Your First Therapy Session

Connecting with a therapist for the first time may seem overwhelming if you’re not sure what to expect. We’ve put together this quick guide on what the process looks like, so you can get the most out of your first therapy session.

Relationships Reads: Compassionate Vs. Corrosive Communication

Communication typically falls into two categories: Compassionate or Corrosive. Learn what these communication styles say about your relationship.

5 Tips for Dealing With Imposter Syndrome

Those suffering from imposter syndrome may live in fear that they’ll be “found out” and experience feelings of inadequacy despite their professional accomplishments.

What Therapists for Young Adults Can Do to Ease Them Into Adulthood

Many young adults may feel ashamed or obligated to speak about their struggles with a parent. Therapists for young adults can offer teenagers the chance to unload and speak about their issues with a professional who has an outside perspective on it all.

5 Ways to Make Virtual Therapy Sessions More Comfortable

Meeting with your therapist on a screen can feel different, and sometimes not as powerful, as meeting in person. Luckily, there are several ways we can bridge this gap to make virtual therapy feel more personal, focused, and private.

How to Find Affordable Therapy in NYC: 3 Places to Look

No one should feel alone because they simply can’t afford the proper mental health treatment. However, it can be difficult to find affordable therapy in NYC. We’re here to help.

3 Tips to Help You Cope With Generalized Anxiety

Generalized anxiety is treatable. Learn exercises that can help you manage your anxiety or reduce some of its symptoms.

How Hidden Depression Hides in Plain Sight and What You Can Do to Identify It

Dealing with depression can be difficult and even debilitating at times, so how do you know if someone is coping with hidden depression?

Mindfulness for Anxiety: How Living in the Now Is the Best Medicine for Anxious Minds

When you’re feeling anxious, mindfulness techniques can help combat troublesome symptoms. Learn how to personalize mindfulness for anxiety in a way that works best for you.

How to Embrace Change

Wanting things to go back to “normal,” also known as “the way things used to be,” is one of humankind’s most basic and universal tendencies. There’s comfort in the familiar, especially when you’re looking backwards.

The LGBTQ Bill of Rights Protects LGBTQ Mental Health

LGBTQ mental health is easily challenged by everyday situations and messages. The LGBTQ Bill of Rights is designed to empower you. Check it out now.

The Minority Bill of Rights

No matter your race or ethnic background, you have a birthright to feel safe, empowered, and respected in every circumstance, at all times.

Why Some Couples Thrived During the Pandemic and Others Didn’t

As a therapist, I often get an up-close look at how current events shape the everyday fabric of people’s lives. When the holidays close in, I talk clients through the joys and heartaches such seasons can bring.

Mountains and sky at sunset

The Stages of Trauma and Recovery

Trauma occurs when an abnormal event overwhelms our ability to cope. It shocks, confuses, and can leave us in a fog. It can bring on feelings of intense anxiety and cause us to question our sense of reality.

Quarantine Loneliness? Why Some People Are Missing Their Exes

There are many reasons why people miss their exes right now. The most obvious being that feelings of loneliness and isolation are amplified in these times of social distancing.

10 Practical Tips to Help You Cope with Coronavirus Stress

Many people who may have never felt a need for mental health services are now struggling with increased anxiety, depression, and isolation due to the coronavirus pandemic.

5 Essential Spring Cleaning Tips for the Mind During Coronavirus

Learn some practical tips you can use to clear the unnecessary and unhelpful clutter from your mind.

7 Effective Relaxation Techniques to Manage Stress & Anxiety

Relaxation techniques work by helping our body to manage the fight-or-flight response of our sympathetic nervous system.

Remembering and Returning to Joy

Many people think of joy as something that has to be searched for and attained, rather than something that is allowed and cultivated with intention.

woman with a laptop on her lap for teletherapy session

How to Get the Most Out of Teletherapy

Physical distance doesn’t have to mean emotional isolation. Teletherapy sessions allow you to stay connected to your therapist during social distancing.

How to Cope with Strange Emotions in the Time of COVID-19

Social distancing may lead to more elusive emotional experiences that appear unique to the current situation. Here’s how to cope with them.

Resources for Black, Indigenous, and Persons of Color

Resources dedicated to supporting the diversity of the BIPOC community


If you have an additional resource you’d like to recommend, we’d love to learn about it and include it as a resource for those who are interested. Please email us at [email protected].

If you need help finding a BIPOC therapist, Psychology Today offers a search tool matched on zip code or city.



Resources for Asian Americans and Pacific Islanders  (AA(AAPI)

Resources dedicated to supporting the diversity of the AAPI community


Follow these AAPI thought leaders and organizations on social media. Help disrupt misogyny and racism in our day-to-day lives by following content of anti-racist feminists:



CRISIS resources in NYC

NYC Well

Mobile Crisis Teams


A “crisis” situation is one that requires prompt attention, but is not immediately life-threatening. A crisis occurrence is one that can be improved or resolved by a visit from a mobile crisis team, who generally responds within 48 hours, or by telephone counseling and referral from NYC Well, the Health Department’s 24-hour information and referral hotline operated by the Mental Health Association of New York City, Inc.

1-888-NYC-WELL (1-888-692-9355) is a free, confidential helpline for New York City residents. You can call 24 hours a day/7 days a week. The staff of trained mental health professionals help callers find mental health and substance abuse services. NYC Well is multilingual and multicultural. You can also text WELL to 65173 or go to NYC Well, an online resource for individuals, families and agencies in need of help and information:


  • 1-888-NYC-WELL (1-888-692-9355)
  • 1-888-692-9355 (Español)
  • 1-888-692-9355 (中文)
  • 711 (TTY for hearing impaired)

Suicide Prevention Lifeline

Free and confidential support for people in distress, 24/7.

Call, text, or chat the Suicide Crisis Hotline at 988.

Learn more at:


National Helpline

1-800-662-HELP (4357)
Treatment referral and information, 24/7.

Disaster Distress Helpline

Immediate crisis counseling related to disasters, 24/7.

The Trevor Project

866-488-7386 / [email protected]
The Trevor Project is the leading national organization providing crisis intervention and suicide prevention services to lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender and questioning (LGBTQ) young people. 



Open Path Psychotherapy Collective

Affordable therapy ($30 to $60 per session), wellness courses to reduce stress, many of the therapists have different specialties.


Karen Horney Clinic

Specializes in trauma and college students. Accepts from Aetna to Medicaid.

329 East 62nd Street
New York, NY 10065
Intake Line 212-838-4333 ext.137


Neighborhood Psychiatry (medication and therapy)

Takes patients in NY and NJ (telehealth only). Accepts Aetna, Cigna, BCBS, United Healthcare, Oxford. Best way to contact is via new patient form on website


Talktiatry (medication and therapy)

They accept 1199, Aetna, BC/BS, Humana, Medicare, Oxford, Oscar and UHC. They treat mood disorders, anxiety, eating disorders, trauma, personality disorders, and learning disorders.

109 W 27th Street
[email protected]


New York Psychotherapy and Counseling Center

Offering In Person and Teletherapy (Bronx and Brooklyn). Accepts Medicaid. See locations.

Specialties: DBT, CBT, EMDR, EFT, REBT, crisis intervention, psychiatric assessment, medication management, art therapy, and individual/family therapy, Trauma, ADHD, Sleep issues, Depression, Anxiety, Schizophrenia, Substance Use, and OCD. Bilingual Clinicians.


The Institute for Contemporary Psychotherapy (ICP)

ICP is a non-profit mental health training and treatment center in New York City that’s been around since 1971. ICP offers a full range of psychotherapeutic services, including individual and group psychotherapy, and psychoanalysis in addition to more specialized treatment services. Clients receive high quality therapy at low to moderate cost from graduate-level therapists in training.

Schedule an intake or learn more about their programs.

Dialectical Behavior Therapy (DBT) Skills groups

CBT-DBT Associates

DBT Group therapy and DBT skills groups for young adults, adults, and families.

MindWell Psychology NYC

Adult DBT skills groups (online options available).

A New Page Counseling

Adult DBT skills groups and Family DBT skills courses.

domestic violence/sexual assault

DOVE Program (Domestic Violence and Other Emergencies)

NYP/Columbia Medical Center
622 West 168 Street New York, NY 10032
[email protected]


Mount Sinai SAVI (Sexual Assault and Violence Intervenion Program)



Zencare can help you find a therapist including these categories:

Search for therapists near you that meet your desired criteria


Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration (SAMHSA)

Federal hotline offering referrals to local treatment and support services.


where to go in A CRISIS

The Center, The Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, & Transgender Community Center


Columbia Day Program

The Columbia Day Program offers structured, state-of-the-art therapy 3-5 days per week for people struggling with depression, anxiety, and/or personality disorders that are seriously affecting their ability to go to school or work.

To make an appointment, please call 212-305-6001.

St. Luke’s University Health Center


Innovations and Partial Hospitalization Services.

Most insurances are accepted.

Individuals who may need additional support and are experiencing difficulty adjusting and/or coping because of severe stressful situations and life changing events may require a more structured, intensive service. The Innovations Partial Hospital Program provides groups, music therapy and individual services through which adults can gain the strength and psychosocial support they need to regain confidence in their day to day lives.

Innovations offers innovative, structured mental health day program treatment five hours-a-day, five days-a-week for our partial hospital program and three days-a-week for our intensive outpatient program. Please call 484-526-3838 to schedule an intake assessment.

To register for psychotherapy group meeting dates and times, contact the Group Intake Department at: 484-526-2400.

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