Therapist Matchmaking

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Alyssa Digges, MA
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Amy Schell, LMHC
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Ariel Zeigler, Ph.D
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Begoña Núñez Sánchez, LP
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Carole Taylor-Tumilty, LCSW
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Caryn Moore, LCSW
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Christina Mancuso, LCSW
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Courtney Cohen, LMHC
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Daniel Rich, LMHC
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Elena Beharry, Psy.D
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Eliza Chamblin, LCSW
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Fanny Ng, Ph.D
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Gary Brucato, Ph.D
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Gavin Shafron, Ph.D
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Janel Coleman, LMSW
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Jen Oddo, LCSW
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Jessa Navidé, Psy.D.
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Joanna Kaminski, LMFT
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Josh Watson, LMSW
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Justin L.F. Yong, LMHC
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Karen Kaur, Ph.D
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Kristin Anderson, LCSW
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Logan Jones, Psy.D
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Lucas Saiter, LMHC
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Madeleine Phelan, LMSW
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Maryam Abdulrazzak, BS
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Monica Amorosi, LMHC
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Nancy Lumb, LCSW
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Nicole Maselli, LMHC
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Peter Gradilone, LMSW
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Raquele Williams, LCSW
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Regina Musicaro, Ph.D
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276 5th Avenue, Suite 605,
New York, NY 10001






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    helping families


    Create stronger connections.

    we specialize in family therapy

    what is family therapy?

    Become stronger together with support.

    Family Therapy looks the entire family unit, not just individual members who are “causing” or experiencing issues. Because many problems arise in the family of origin, helping your family to heal as a whole is key for those experiencing mental health concerns. Our therapists know how to navigate this delicate process to lead families to stronger connections and deeper healing.

    When you enter therapy, each family member will have the opportunity to express their thoughts and feelings about how they are affected in a safe environment. Our therapists have experience helping family members work individually and together to resolve issues that directly affect one or more family members.


    NYC Therapists Who Specialize in Family Therapy

    Connecting with the right therapist is the most important factor in your search. We’re here to help you find a great match.

    What does family therapy look like?

    How family therapy can help family members of any age.

    Treatment helps shift dysfunctional patterns of communication and behavior towards honest relationships with healthy strong boundaries. One type of family therapy known as Structural therapy, focuses on adjusting and strengthening the family system to ensure that the parents are in control and that both children and adults set appropriate boundaries. The therapist “joins” your family to observe and learn about the family, and then seeks to help them strengthen their relationships.

    • Depression

    • Anxiety

    • Obsessive compulsive disorder

    • Bipolar disorder

    • Grief and loss

    • Marital conflicts

    • Infertility

    • LGBTQ issues

    • Personality disorders

    • Addiction or substance abuse

    • Eating disorders


    Family therapy can help family members who are
    • Wanting to improve communication

    • Facing concerns surrounding mental health or physical illness

    • Concerned about their children’s behavior

    • Considering divorce or separation

    • Wanting to foster a closer relationship

    • Having trouble coping with life transitions

    • Experiencing a major life change or challenge

    • Having difficulty repairing trust on their own

    • Need help seeing eye to eye and compromising

    Family therapy helps to rebuild a new, healthy family system that promotes the wellbeing of all its members. No matter the issue your family is facing, therapy can help your family learn how to reconnect and thrive together.

    Interested in family therapy?

    We can help.

    Reach out today to schedule a 30-minute complimentary consultation with a therapist who specializes in family therapy today. 

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